When life gets tough...has God exited the building?
I have had the privilege to minister to some families who are going to through some trials. As I result, I want to give a shout out to my peeps Kenny and Debbie. As I was reflecting on the past week, some questions came to mind. When bad things happen, is it a sign that God has left the building? In other words, does God release us to the spiritual forces of this world to have their way with us? I think it depends on what you know about God and his unchanging character.
First, those whom God has set his saving gaze upon are His no matter what happens in our lives. Even when we stray from time to time, we rest in the fact that God sustains those whom He loves. This does not mean that we can "get saved" and live like hell the rest of our life. That is just foolish theology and it lacks biblical warrant. Paul dealt with this in Romans when he asks "shall we go on sinning so that grace may abound? By no means!" If we are truly His, that is, if we have truly tasted of the sweetness that is in Jesus Christ and now see Him for all his supreme worth, then He will lead us and steer us back onto His ultimate plan for our lives and we will see the fruit that accompanies righteousness. On the other hand, if salvation is just a "free ticket" to heaven and a "get out of jail free" card from hell, then we have grossly missed the point of salvation which is "WORSHIP!"
But does that answer our original question? No. At times, genuine believers stray but we are assured the presence of God is sustained by His disciplining of us. If we see no mark of God's discipline in our lives (which all red blooded believers should), then it is likely that God is not working at all. Take the "Christian" or "church" that teeders along from year to year and never sees any problems or challenges but rather just exists. Is the lack of trials an indication that God is blessing those people? By no means, it may prove to be just the opposite. Maybe God has left them to their own vices!
Yes, God sometimes chastises those whom He loves so as to show us HIS true plan, not what we planned for our life! So when the unexpected comes and God still accepts the challenge to deal with His hardheaded people, oh what blessings there are to come! This does not mean that every time something bad happens, we should see it as God's hand coming down on us. In fact, in the story of Job, we see just the opposite. What I find interesting is what the "friends" of Job perspective was during his trials? In their cock-sure "humility" they thought "surely Job had some sin in his life that is causing such calamity!" God blows this perspective out of water. In the New Testament, Jesus and His disciples came across a blind man from birth. Was it his sin or his parents sin that caused this blindness. Neither! God just wants to demonstrate His glorious power for all to see with wonder how he makes some people worshipers! Jesus promises us that those who are His WILL experience trials. Paul understood this reality all to well. Maybe we in the western church are getting soft? Just a thought.
Grace and Peace!
April 6, 2009 at 3:48 PM
Worship!! Great post Tom!! Thanks for the shout out to us. Keep these great posts coming.