Marks of Genuine Faith

The guiding vision I had for this blog was that it would be a teaching tool for students and families. In keeping with this vision, we will be starting a new series for our Wednesday nights at the park. It is a vision for the family. Studies show us that parents are the greatest transmitter of genuine faith. This is rather humbling for me since I am man who has committed his life to vocational ministry. As we start this series, I want to say up front, this is not an attempt to question anyone's faith experience, rather it is an attempt to evaluate the the depths of the faith that is transmitted. It could be that you find that your child may not have a genuine trust and devotion to Jesus Christ. To that I say, don't panic...just love. Second, you may find that you may not possess genunie faith. If this is true, then don't wait a second before publically confessing Christ. It could make the difference of another's faith journey...namely your children.

In preparing for this, John MacAuthor has a great article that I want to submit to your care. Below reflects a series of marks of cultural faith verses genuine faith. For the remainder of this summer, we will exam the 'proofs' of genuine faith together as families. After we spend some time in the Word, we will let you pray with your children and begin to ask "how can we "transmit" these values into our kids?"

Check out MacAuthor's link at for some futher reading.

Grace and Peace!

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Discouragement: God knows what we need

I know it has been a while since I have added to this blog, but today seemed like a good day add a quick thought. Discouragement is a funny thing. It can be the most grueling thing to go through at the time but turns out to be some of the sweetest moments of refreshing I personally experience. Let me try to explain.
Serving as one of the pastors a new church, I get my fair share of discouragement. Why are people not getting the vision? Why are some people not committing? How about people who just refuse to hear and be led? Why was our giving down? Why was our attendance down? Why can't I get more kids to camp? You get the picture. It is a day in and day out grind! If I am not careful, I will allow myself to get down and start taking my focus off of what God is doing that is truly remarkable such the numerous baptisms the few students who are truly getting the Gospel right, and the adults who are hook line and sinker committed to what God wants to do. I can also find myself focusing on my abilities or lack of abillities that I sometimes feel contribute to the lack of movement that I want to witness in my church and student ministry.

Here is the beautiful thing! God is always there to show me the error in my thinking and reconnect me to His heart for His glory and for His mission on earth. I think that is the benefit of being a Gospel centered, neocalvinist, bed wetting reformed noncessionist who believes that plurality of elders/pastors is better than believing that one personality has all that we need to lead a church in a Biblical way. At the end of the day, my theology tells me two things. First, God is in charge of it all! I mean really in charge of it all. He does not need me or my gifts to accomplish His plan. Second, the belief that Scripture alone allows me to free myself from the narcicism of this world and actually believe that a goofy, slightly chubby and balding white boy from Southwest Virginia can accomplish anything. It is very humbling don't you think?

Lastly, if you are offended by some the terminology listed above...GET OVER IT! It comes from honest reflection from God Word.

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